Thursday, April 26, 2012

Marchettus' Privy

Marchettus... what a strange name for a Scottish man with a penchant for old things and antiquated lifestyles.

The Privy... what the fuck was he thinking naming a guesthouse that?!

It took me the better part of 7 hours to travel to this place southwest of Chicago. I had never been there. It's outside of town on the far side from where my loft is. The grounds are huge... like a whole park reserve and then some. There are a few buildings on it. This guy had been buying up land left right and center. He sure must be loaded. Scottish foreign immigrant. He's tall... way taller than me. 6-foot 2-inches. Long strawberry blond hair and bushy beard. Heavy Scottish brogue. From media, he's not too fond of the government and seems to particularly hate politicians. I met him very briefly. He looked me up and down and cheerily pointed out the guest house calling it the privy. I wanted to remind him he is in America now and a privy here does not mean the same thing as it does in Europe. But he didn't give me the chance. He reminds me of a child on too much chocolate. Whatever. A hiding spot is a hiding spot. I suppose I could disappear anywhere if I really have to... But for the time being, I am not sure i am stable enough to be too far from Patrick's care. I hope Patrick makes an appearance.

The Privy... the private guest house... is opulent. I sit in the main room as I understand this is the first contact place for anyone coming here. Deliveries get dropped off, message end up here. I have a couple hours somewhat to myself and find myself faced with... a giant white wolf. And this was supposed to be safe, unquestioned crash space off the grid.

My first reaction was... caution and a hand to the klaive strapped to my back. Amazing how this Marchettus guy was completely unphased by it. He simply laughed and said she, Aurora, was friendly. Then he left. He had to run some errand. As it turns out... she was very friendly. I am such a damned sap. It was nice to just sit and rub my hands through her fur. It helped with my nervous edginess and shaking, too. She's actually... really sweet and super curious about me. Well, I am sure i smell like nothing she's ever smelled before.

I wish Marchettus stayed a bit longer to at least tell me what room I was staying in. He's coming back. I can hang out in the main room. Duffle with the klaive beside me where I have dropped myself. I yank a cushion from the sofa to sit on and play fetch with... the wolf. I feel a bit weird playing doggy games with a wolf. Gods I miss Fahr and the Silent Striders. This whole place, these grounds smell and feel like some long lost old cairn. I take a small moment to bury my face into her thick soft fur. The first time I come anywhere close to some kind of comfort. I pull back. If I lose composure now... I don't know if I can ever come back to coherent. Like I said, I know I won't pass the psych evals if I went back to work.

And good thing because I am now not alone. People arrive. First some metis guy from Canada. A courier bringing in some meds. His name apparently is Moon. Since he sounded like he was using a code name i did too and introduced myself as Silent Strider. He found that very funny and too much of a mouthful. He is very laid back... and tired since he'd been on the road for nearly 22 hours. I resigned to telling him my name was Jake. This is his drop point to meet with Patrick. Thank gods. Patrick will be coming. At least there will be a familiar face and I can ask for something to ease the edge off my shaking and nightmares again. Then that guy from the gun shop. What was his name? Schmidt... Jeff Schmidt. he too has a delivery, but Marchettus has to sign for it so he's waiting. The waiting is awkward. Moon doses on the sofa, Jeff fidgets, bored, waiting. He is the kind of guy i can see needing to always be doing something with his hands. Moon has to wait for Patrick. Jeff has to wait for Marchettus. And I am waiting for... I have no fucking clue. Maybe a clue. *facepalm*

Aurora leans into me, tail wagging, silver tipped fur tickling my face, amber eyes gazing with longing and hope for attention. Yup, I am a sap. I totally give in to her.. She's very bright. I can talk to her like a person about the game I will play and she gets it. So very smart. So... I ask her for a tour. Hell, why not? And she obliges! HA! Well... it is something to do.

She walks me up the stairs to the second floor to a room that smells of Marchettus. Must be his room, or a room he uses often in this guesthouse. I refuse to call it a privy. The sign on the door to the room reads, "Patrons Only." Curious... curiosity killed the cat... please let satisfaction bring him back. I opened the door. Aurora didn't try to protect the space, so... ok then. *cough* NOT what I expected.Looked like i just walked into a near early 20th century bordello room. Marchettus has... uh... eccentric taste.

Then Aurora walks me to another room with a sign on the door that says, "no cats allowed." I am amused. I step inside just because. Step in, step out, step in... No one gets my humor. Clearly this is her room. Alabaster food and water bowls. Lots of stuffed animals and toys. Tons of blankets in various staged of canine love. I take up one of her favorite blankets and a toy she brings to me. I'll bring them downstairs for her.

There are several other rooms here. All old decor from various eras. It is practically a museum. And this is just the guesthouse! Closer inspection and there is no doubt. It is all authentic. Too much for just a collector. Some of this could likely only be gotten first hand from ... being there... in those times. I ignore the question and its answer screaming in my mind.

The bathroom on this floor is the next place Aurora brings me to. I suppose she is touring me to the most familiar places. Biggest bathroom I have ever seen. Also all alabaster. The tub is practically a small swimming pool! My calculating mind translated: alabaster... deadly, cold, and easy to clean. The faintest hint of the smell of blood... down the drain. CLICK! Holy shit... Marchettus is a vampire. A real one. And old one.

I return to the main room and set a place up for Aurora beside my chosen cushion and duffle bag.

Patrick has arrived and collected his pharmaceuticals from Moon. Moon is staying a few days to recoup from his drive before heading back out. Patrick offered to accept the delivery from Jeff for Marchettus. Jeff is responsible or obstinate. He will only sign it over directly to Marchettus. Those two seem to know each other, better than I know either of them. I decide to remain... aloof. Aloof and wary. No reason to call it shy. There are only three other people here and a wolf... and two  of them I know by name and face.

So this is the Privy... the sanctuary. I wonder who else will show up.

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