Friday, April 27, 2012

Awkward & Convenient

And this is why I always feel set up....

Staying aloof, out of the way and for the most part out of the conversations and socializing... It is very uncomfortable waiting with people who have no idea why they need to wait but each there for their own reason.

Metis... no... not metis like garou metis but metis like part Native American. he has the vague scent or sense/essence of... a shifter? No... I am imagining it. he is there to deliver pharmaceuticals to Patrick (done) and to recover from his long drive before driving off again.

Stand-offish as usual, well-versed in weapons of the... unusual and creative style, mostly projectile. he is there to deliver some unknown thing to Marchettus and is stuck waiting for Marchettus to arrive.

Patrick is Patrick. Albino... I think he is metis in the garou sense of metis. I don't know too much about them. If he is, I have no idea what tribe he would be part of.. maybe... Bone Gnawers? he is there to pick up his pharmaceuticals and apparently asked by Marchettus to stick around for some reason.

I guess I shouldn't leave her out. Prettiest wolf I ever did see. Like a silver and white large arctic or timber wolf. So well groomed. So tame. So friendly and trusting. I guess she's about 2 in age. She has so much puppy in her still. she is property of Marchettus. So he collects not just historical items... but exotic animals.

I hope I am not going to be part of that collection...
I belong to no one... practically don't even belong to myself.

That is what I gleaned from their talking and my observations. I have not volunteered anything about myself. My fingers curl around the hilt of the klaive. No, I tell myself for the millionth time, it is not like a security blanket. It is a weapon I am proficient at and I am holding it because... because... just because!

The casual conversation swirls around me on a variety of topics: Greek Fire, Napom, the use of large ants as field sutures. I tried to toss is a small joke. And once again, no one got my humor. So I kept my mouth shut. I think they are concerned about my observant silence. I have mentally assessed the danger and skill of each person, and ... my training kicks in as my mind seeks out their physical weaknesses and the best ways to either kill them or evade them.

Moon drifts off on the sofa again.

Patrick and Jeff get into the liquor cabinets and share scotch. I some of those bottles look too red to be scotch and all I think is that they are likely blood infused alcohol... or is that alcohol infused blood. Either way, it turns my stomach and I do not share... just in case. Some of the scotch bottles smell like they are authentically of the 17th century. I cannot believe they just opened it. Patrick has a hell of a constitution. If he really is garou, there is no surprise there then. Fahr had a hell of a constitution too.

Fuck... tonight's the dark moon. I look at all these people who are somewhat strangers and know my dark thoughts have dragged me back to that night. Conveniently gathered only to die. And I wasted my sweet ass time gathering secrets and not going out to help them. Stupid fucking dark moon. I guess I am not sleeping tonight. I don't dare. I cannot afford to be a total wreck among strangers in a strange home.

Finally Marchettus arrives with two people. I am right about Marchettus not that I know what to look for, or at least I think I do. His aura is very faint. He has almost no personal scent. And if I strain... no heartbeat. That is just totally creepy. The dead should stay... dead. *shudder* he smells... old... like the old furnishings here too. He must be a very old vampire.  He still seems silly and altogether too human. I am not sure how to classify this leech. Patrick knows him and seems to trust him. but can I trust Patrick's judgement? Aurora... adores Marchettus. I think this wolf would adore anyone and anything if it didn't directly try to hurt her.

One of the people Marchettus arrived with. Some older shi-shi woman. I think she is or was some model or actress. Her face seems familiar. And all i think of is that old movie: The Devil Loves Prada. Dear gods and ancestors... kill me now.

And some child, a girl of about 12 who has the mild dissociative behavior of one who has just come from a place of death. she has short dark hair and olive skin with grey eyes. She clutches a bow much the same way I clutch my (not my) klaive. She is a ward of Marchettus. So... he inherited a child. What are his intentions? Are they abbhorant in the way of that bordello room? Maybe he saves that for the older women. I just cringed so hard my teeth hurt. Maybe the child will end up as... food.

New group assessment...
Patrick and Jeff are perfectly capable of protecting themselves. If something bad goes down here with us all so conveniently together, I could buy them time to fight or run. I won't have a repeat of the GhorraPawz incident. Moon... I think he can manage. There is something about him that tells me so. I have no ties to anyone else. I really don't have any ties to any of them. If I need to bugger out, I can. But then there is this 12-yr-old. Dammit. That part of me that NEEDS to do the right thing will not let me leave her in danger. Fine. I can protect her. A small drop in the bucket of debt I owe Fahr.

It all has gotten suddenly more awkward with all these new faces. I should find out where my room is and retreat to it. Or...

What is that smell?
Jeff is suddenly very ill. The scotch? No... So is Sophia... and Kira... and.. shit... Aurora. I know that smell... I KNOW THAT SMELL! The smell for first shifts.

The word conveniently brought together comes to mind.

And this is why I always feel like I am set up...

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