Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Fahr of Silent Striders

So, Fahr. He was MI-5 and I have known him for a long while. We've worked together on missions before. I count him among those few I trust. He's the one who jokingly nicknamed me Silent Strider. He thought it was intensely funny! I didn't get it. I think he thought that made it even funnier.

With my heightened senses, I was starting to determine a variety of oddities I never really noticed before, though coupled with the auric awareness... I put the puzzle pieces together and cornered Fahr. I considered him a friend. I trusted him. I took a risk. I am not even sure what inspired me to do it. Maybe on some level I was floundering or mourning the loss of my handler and seeking out a friend.

I summoned all my willpower and overcame my shyness to reveal to him what I was. It was way harder than coming out of the closet about my bisexuality!

Then he revealed to me what he was. Werewolves DO exist!!

I wasn't all that surprised. I mean, if I were a shifter and in the CIA, then why can't a wolf shifter be in the MI-5? It made me wonder if there were more. My subtle searches before did not turn anything up. So in a way, I was greatly relieved. I was even more honored when he quietly took me to a place he called a cairn for a moot. I met more of his tribe and learned then the joke he had made those years ago with my nickname. Silent Strider is his tribe, the kind of werewolf, garou, that his people were. And as much as it was a joke to call me Silent Strider, I also recognize the honor it was for him to do so. He regarded me an an honorary member of his tribe, or at least his pack.... even if I was the token kitty. Cat and dog jokes aside (and believe me there were a great many of them), he was my closest friend. We saved each other's lives on numerous occasions.

I almost considered him more than a close friend, but knew his interests for intimacy would never extend to a cat like me. Funny how the problem was not due to gender but to species. I understand I suppose. There are things about feline anatomy that are absolutely too uncomfortable to discuss. Not that I am a prude... ok, maybe I am a little bit of a prude. Didn't I mention something about being shy?

Throughout the spring season, I met with them at their moots and learn about garou tribes and garou ways.The more I learned, the more I realized how ignorant I was and how much more I had yet to learn, not just about garou in general or even Silent Striders, but also about my own people, the bastet and specifically Bagheeras. It was a whole world of secrets and mysteries. I was grateful for his close friendship and the honor of learning from him in lieu of my own now dead mentor.

I also learned about the Wyrm. The dark dangers of the umbra. Things could be tainted with it. Werewolves tainted or who have given themselves over to its temptations became the dangerous Black Spiral Dancers. I was advised to be especially wary of them. Suddenly I understood what some of those odd auric awarenesses were. I was going to learn more over the year with him and maybe even be initiated into his pack formally by the following year if they agreed and if his elders accepted it.Needless to say, I did lots more traveling to England that spring and summer.

Then in July we were both assigned to a mission. He brought his whole pack along. I wish I had known in advance that it would be the last mission with him. I had a great many things I wanted to say to him that I never did, or was too shy to.

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